Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Three stereotypes

1. anti-Semitic - 'media regularly turn out ugly and hateful images of Jews and Israel' ("Qatar Source of Anti-Semitic Incitement; ADL Says Anti-Jewish Images 'Rampant' in Leading Newspaper")

Anti-Defamation League."Qatar Source of Anti-Semitic Incitement; ADL Says Anti-Jewish Images 'Rampant' in Leading Newspaper".Anti-Defamation League. http://www.adl.org/PresRele/ASaw_14/4270_62.htm(Accessed on May 19,2008).

Other than this it is hard to find out other stereotypes but I believe the following could be stereotypes based on why I know about the country.

2.People thinking that the Qatari are rich like there neighbor Saudi Arabia because of there oil. - "oil and gas still account for more than 50% of GDP"("Qatar")

CIA - The World Factbook."Qatar" CIA - The World Factbook. https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/qa.html(Accessed on May 19,2009).

3. The Qatari are misleading - People who expect high paying jobs when they get to Qatar are forced to work in low paying jobs.

"Qatar".Wikipedia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qatar.(Accessed May 19, 2009).

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